January 2015, already ended.

Life is a beautiful adventure!

My hope is that each individual took part in something that made them happy this weekend. January 2015 is already over… A month out of the 12 that grace us each year is done and dusted. Often being young we don’t consider how fast time is moving around us, we have plenty of time to grow and achieve. While this is true, time is passing each second and what we do with our time make up the sections of our life.

Put your life on a timeline, would you be happy with the outcome? Not only considering the large achievements but the simple things that we cherish, the moments that excite us, the travels or adventures we have been on and the days we look back at and would love to relive. Putting time into perspective is a difficult task to endure. We may realise we are happy with our accomplishments and the moments in our lifetime or we may realise there is so much more to see, do or achieve. I don’t believe either is a failure. If you would like to change how you use your time, you can. As individuals, we have the ability to write our life story, spending our time how we wish for it to be spent.

Balancing everything that we fit into life can be difficult…. A work/life balance, family/friends balance or spending/saving balance. It’s simple…. What makes you happy?

In my last blog I spoke about being in LIMBO. I discussed being in a job you may not enjoy for the meantime as it is providing us with what we need, although having the aspirations to go further. I spoke about limbo being ok… It is the same for many situations. You may realise you haven’t spent your time how you dream. if you are working towards those dreams then you are in limbo, the stage between dreaming and achieving. I am working each day and occasional weekends, spending a minimum  amount of my income on anything but the mortgage. To many of you this may seem as though I need to live a little, let me tell you…. I am! For me living is travel, chasing summer and all new happy places. I am in working and saving mode, for me this is all worth the beautiful adventures I am filling my life with.

January 2015 is already over, we all have the same 11 months remaining in 2015. How would you like to spend your time this year, what would you like to be doing, what would you like to achieve and what beautiful adventures are you going to plan for this year?

2 thoughts on “January 2015, already ended.

  1. hi! lovely post! definitely food for thought.

    this year, i want change. i’m planning to travel to the UK and work there for a year, so that’s exciting! eeee! so it’ll be saving, saving, planning, and travelling!

    i look forward to your posts in the future 🙂 x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for dropping by chick😊🙊
      Sounds amazing my partner and I are hopefully doing the same actually in 2016! She is a teacher do jobs are abundance for that over there!
      Look forward to connecting with you! X

      Liked by 1 person

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